When I wrote my previous post on the same subject,
Monitor database size, I have shown a way how to monitor database size. In that blog post, beside core methods, all other results are retrieved as pure sqlplus calls.
In this 16th annual
HROUG (Croatian Oracle Users Group) conference, I have a chance to present this solution publicly. As a little extension according previous post, Apex visual interface is developed. With new Apex approach, monitoring and analyzing database size will be much easier because finding problems and showing them is clearly presented through graphical interface (opposite to sqlplus solution until now). This doesn't mean that old "sqlplus" interface is obsolete, quite opposite, it is enhanced with all methods what Apex interface has.
Before you continue reading, I do encourage you to read firstly this post and then come back here, because some of information are detailly explained there and here shown only as a reference without too many explanation.
According fact that some new methods has been implemented (i.e owner history, table set size) some changes has to be done in previous objects as well as add some new objects. For those who has implemented
Database Size Stat solution before, good news is that table has not faced any changes (only added some indexes), so upgrading to this new Apex based solution could be done on existing data.
User and required grants
User (in mine case TOOLS) must have some roles and privileges to be able to collect data and show data:
- grant connect, resource
- grant select on dba_segments
- grant select on dba_indexes
- grant select on dba_tab_partitions
- grant select on dba_ind_partitions
- grant select on dba_lob_partitions
- grant execute on dbms_sql
- grant execute on dbms_utility
Other objects
Here are other objects that must be placed in Apex schema owner:
- required types

- db_size table sequence

- db_size table (if you have previously running table, there is no need to run this script)

- db_size table indexes

- db_size_gtt global temporary table (if you have previously running table, there is no need to run this script)



- DB_SIZE_PKG package source

- DB_SIZE_PKG package body

- Apex application source

For those who want to use Apex packed application feature, installation step is in one Apex export file (Unix format).

However, because all mentioned in "User and required grants" needs to be done as a user with sysdba privilege, do that
before importing this file. If you make grants after, recompile db_size_pkg package.
Do not forget to place db size stat data collector (explained in previous
post under point 5.) if you wish to start collecting data
About application
For all not too much familiar with Apex, just small notice. Apex export is done from workspace nr. 1002 (what can be changed) and main page nr. 1. For such a case App url looks like:
where server and port is something defined by your Apex configuration. Application interface is devided in 5 main tabs:
- Home
- History
- Top N segments
- Top N tablespace
- Difference
Many of resulting columns are links to detailed explanations of chosen value. In this way quick data drill is enabled on all levels.
Home tab
This tab has 4 pages which shows you some general data. Some of them depend of chosen period (defined in format YYYYMMDD) or chosen data (table set page).
Db size stat's main page (home page) is a page where you choose data from all collected periods. This is whole view of db_size table filtered by periods:
Almost every column of this report is link which lead you to detail data explanation of chosen value.
Second page on Home tab is Owners page, which shows cumulative data for chosen period based on on owners statistic:
Third page is general db size page, with total amounts on collected periods:
Keep in mind that on every
other page where garphs are shown, blue determine size, orange determine grow values, contrary to this one example where orange represent records.
Fourth page is so called "table set" page, where you come indirectly-if you click on column "parent_id" on home page. Idea is to present cumulative data for one table along with it's indexes.
This way of monitoring data come to my mind when I saw one database with huge amount of indexes where tables are 1/3 or 1/4 of total size. Problem was that all other were ... mostly unuseful, indexes!
This tab has 5 pages which are called automatically from other pages (called as link). Their main purpose is to shows briefly history of
- segement
- partiton
- owner
- tablespace
- segment type (table, index, lob segment etc)
Just to mention that "Db Share %" and "Db Rec Share %" values are percentage against whole database in that moment, what might tell you "who is the boss in database".
First and main page is segment history. Segments are represented by dba_segment view with excluded RECYCLE BIN part.
Important parts are when segment's size (or number of records) grow/fall between two chosen periods. Another important part is that REC/MB values should always be the same. If they are not segment is mostly too big (allocated too much space and should be shrinked) or segment was altered. Think about it.
Second page is similar statistic but based on one partition:
Keep in mind that partition tables are placed under segment history while it's partitions are here.
Third page on this tab is history based on owners (schema):
While on Home tab owners are shown generally, here you can see history data for each owner.
Fourth page is history based on tablespace:
Tablespaces are vital parts when you start to tune performance. It's content and grow could tell you much for one database.
Last page is history based on segment type:
Regardless that tables segment type should always be main part of this statistic, interesting is when other segments "keep a role" to play.
Top N segments
Beside pure history analyze for vital was ability to compare two periods. Comparing them proactive DBA can see and prevent many incoming problems which may arise. PERIOD1 must always be newer then PERIOD2 and this is ensured with cascading LO's. So firstly always choose PERIOD1.
First page is based on pure segment size shown in MB.
Every investigation should start from this point. Because big segments (table based) usually suffer many FTS, so measuring it's size is vital to understand data in database.
Second page is based on size grow in MB.
Grow is rather different value then size. It is mostly common that bigger objects grow more than small, but when this change, DBA should look to see what has happened. Grow is almost equally danger as shrink.
Third page is based on grow but now in percentage value.
This is very interesting statistic because small segments may rise and you might not noticed them until is late, because their size is far beyond first places. So here regardless the segment size, only important is grow in percentage. Here is typical example of uncontrolled segment size explosion.
Keep in mind that only segments with more then 10 MB are calculated in this report. Smaller segments would never be shown here.
Fourth page is based on number of records:
Regardless grow of records is almost ever linear to size grow, sometimes it divert.
Fifth page is based, similar to "size", on records grow:
Again grow is rather different then number of records. Do not have to mention how important is to monitor grow in records for any tables in DB.
Sixth page is based, similar to "size", on records percentage grow:
Keep in mind that here are only segments which has more them 10.000 records are shown in report
Seventh page is based on total statistic. Here periods are unimportant but generally top n by size:
and top n by records, ever regardless chosen period:
It is very interesting that Top N ever might not show the same records as you query Top N size with first and last period as filter!
Top N tablespace
This tab has three pages that show statistic based on Top N tablespaces according: size, grow and grow %. It is interesting to see graphical relations on tablespace level as well.
Sometimes finding huge problems in tablespace may lead to determining segment which is "odd".
This tab has only one page. But because of the way it shows data I decided to put him on separate tab to be more accented. Main idea is to shown all new and dropped segments between two periods.
Idea come to me when I have to monitor if developers has "missed" to recreate some index in last CR or what is new in database. With this page I see that at once. Because I need this report based on last change, this is why by default PERIOD1 and PERIOD2 are filled initially with automatic values: last snapshot and one before.
For finding last period, use db_size_pkg.get_last_period function (briefly described in package source)
Live demo
And if you turn back to mine starting topic, here are graphical interpretation of to examples mentioned in starting post, which was direct cause of this what you are looking now:
case nr 1:
case nr 2:
The end
And this is where I'm now in this subject. I have several ideas what should be implemented yet as well:
- Add prediction for all parts. This is highly recommended feature and first on mine "to do" list when I find time.
- Add support for statistic history based on table sets (logical group tables+indexes)
- Add support for INDEX PARTITION, currently snapshot is not doing this but only on segment level for whole partition index
- add "rank" function instead of "rownum" for determining top_n parts. This is more precise.
When I make some upgrades, I'll post this solution here on mine blog.
However if you find a bug or something interesting or have developed your own extension on db_size table (something new), please let me know-I'd like to include here.
The end II
Just after this year HROUG 2011 has finished, I have some time to fix and rebuild the whole part for Apex 4.1 . Beside new look and feel, tableset history support is added ... as well as some minor fixes and improvemens in GUI). So here are these three parts (package + Apex app), which you should placed over existing ones (steps 8,9,10):
- DB_SIZE_PKG package source 1.61 version

- DB_SIZE_PKG package body 1.61 version

- Apex application source Apex 4.1

The end III
To make this util more friendly, I have removed
create_snapshot function (which require more privileges) from
db_size_pkg to
db_size_admin_pkg. Here is that new package:
Now you can place
db_size_pkg in any non privileged Apex schema where this part is used only for reporting. Still
create_snapshot is left in this package to be compatible with previous version.
Apex cloud version
I have manage time to upload Apex application on Oracle Apex cloud. Version with
reduced data might be tested on
Here is missing part of common_pkg.
/* $Header: TOOLS.common_pkg.pks 1.00 03/24/2009 14:54 damirv $ */
Copyright(C) 2011-2014 Vadas savjetovanje d.o.o.
PURPOSE : Package has all important procs that do not depend on any data or
other package!
Date : 12.02.2005.
Author : Damir Vadas
Remarks : Changing anything in this package require full recompile what is
heavy to succed in real production!
Here shouldn't exist any function that is depending on any table
or other custom package so package must be able to recompile with
no data and custom functions/packages!
Changes (DD.MM.YYYY, Name, CR/TR#):
18.02.2010 Damir Vadas
Changed NOT_OK 0 => -1
12.04.2010 Damir vadas
Added "NO_G_APP_ID_DEFINED := -5;"
21.04.2010 Damir VAdas
29.03.2011 Damir Vadas
Added hr_date_format values and set_session_date procedures (3 peaces)
08.04.2011 Damir Vadas
Changed WHEN_OTHERS_ERROR 100=> 20998, UNHANDLED_ERROR NUMBER -99999 => -20999;
"set_session_date_format" changed to "set_session_date_fmt"
12.04.2011 Damir Vadas
added const_max_number to make max value for sequence number
05.05.2011 Damir Vadas
"Neobradena"->"Neobradjena", "pronaden"->"pronadjen"
10.05.2011 Damir Vadas
Added number format part procs "set_session_num_fmt"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const_max_number CONSTANT NUMBER := 999999999999999999999999999;
long_msg_t VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR);
unhandled_error_msg long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Neobradjena greska!';
unhandled_error_msg_eng long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Unhandled error!';
others_error_msg long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Neobradjena greska! '||CHR(13)||'Error code:' || TO_CHAR(SQLCODE)|| ': ' ||SQLERRM;
html_others_error_msg long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Neobradjena greska!
Error code:' || TO_CHAR(SQLCODE)|| ': ' ||SQLERRM;
no_data_found_msg long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Podatak nije pronadjen.';
no_data_found_msg_en long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'No data found.';
bad_input_data_msg long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Nepravilan ulaz podataka.';
bad_input_data_msg_en long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Invalid input data.';
too_many_data_found_msg long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Pronadjeno previse podataka.';
too_many_data_found_msg_en long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'To many data found.';
try_later_user VARCHAR2 (64 CHAR) DEFAULT 'Molim pokusajte ponovno kasnije!';
try_later_user_en VARCHAR2 (64 CHAR) DEFAULT 'Please try again later!';
others_error_msg_user_init long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Zahtjev se ne moze procesirati. ' || try_later_user;
others_error_msg_user_init_en long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Request cannot be applied. '|| try_later_user_en;
others_error_msg_user long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Sustav nije u stanju obraditi Vas zahtjev. ' || try_later_user;
others_error_msg_user_en long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'System cannot apply Your request. '|| try_later_user_en;
resource_busy_msg long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Slog je zakljucan. '|| try_later_user;
resource_busy_msg_en long_msg_t%TYPE DEFAULT 'Record is locked. '|| try_later_user_en;
hr_date_format_long VARCHAR2(21 CHAR) := 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
hr_date_format_short VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) := 'DD.MM.YYYY';
-- problem "andcompany" znaka prilikom uvlacenja u PLSQL-u
H_AND_CO CHAR(1) := CHR(38); --html sign &
H_NBSP CHAR(6) := H_AND_CO || 'nbsp;'; --html sign & + nbsp
log_file_handle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
log_file_dir VARCHAR2(256 CHAR) := '/oracle/dir';
log_file_name VARCHAR2(256 CHAR) := 'OracleDebug.log';
maxlinesize NUMBER := 32767;
-- -20000 to -20999 are custom error numbers !
g_company_mail VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) := 'teb-informatika@teb-informatika.hr';
/*5 min sysdate + 5/(60*24) */
cn_small_lock NUMBER DEFAULT 0.00347222;
/*1 day */
cn_big_lock NUMBER DEFAULT 1;
small_char_buffer EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(small_char_buffer, -06502);
bad_collection_query EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(bad_collection_query, -20104);
busy_resource EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(busy_resource, -00054);
bad_db_link EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(bad_db_link, -00352);
bad_number EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(bad_number, -06502);
-- date format part
procedure set_session_date_fmt (p_date_format IN VARCHAR2);
procedure set_session_date_fmt_hr_long;
procedure set_session_date_fmt_hr_short;
-- number format part
PROCEDURE set_session_num_fmt (p_number_format IN VARCHAR2);
PROCEDURE set_session_num_fmt_hr;
PROCEDURE set_session_num_fmt_en;
PROCEDURE set_session_date_fmt (p_date_format IN VARCHAR2)
('alter session set nls_date_format=''' || p_date_format || '''');
END set_session_date_fmt;
PROCEDURE set_session_date_fmt_hr_long
set_session_date_fmt (hr_date_format_long);
END set_session_date_fmt_hr_long;
PROCEDURE set_session_date_fmt_hr_short
set_session_date_fmt (hr_date_format_short);
END set_session_date_fmt_hr_short;
PROCEDURE set_session_num_fmt (p_number_format IN VARCHAR2)
('alter session set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=''' || p_number_format || '''');
END set_session_num_fmt;
PROCEDURE set_session_num_fmt_hr
set_session_num_fmt (',.');
END set_session_num_fmt_hr;
PROCEDURE set_session_num_fmt_en
set_session_num_fmt ('.,');
END set_session_num_fmt_en;