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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The macro cannot be found or has been disabled (BI Publisher and Office 2010)

Recently I have upgraded MS Office from 2007 to 2010. As I work on some BI projects, part of mine set of oracle programs is oracle BI Publisher Desktop, which use Word as report template designer. When I run BI Publisher macros in Word 2010 I got following error:
When I google term it seems that all advices were not useful. Here are two most common errors and how should Word be setup correctly:
Templates were correctly enabled:
But in Windows event viewer, curious error was more then obvious:

The solution

The solution shown here really works (tested on several computers), so I'm writing this down to be more like documentation for future reference to anyone stack on this case. Idea is to remove old *.EXD files from any location in %USERPROFILE% folders that might exists.
Because mine praxis is to have separate %USERPROFILE% folder location then where are OS files (different then partition then C:), exd file was found as shown. In mine case it was only in one folder:
D:\Users\DamirV\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms>dir
 Volume in drive D is Data
 Volume Serial Number is 505E-794F

 Directory of D:\Users\DamirV\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms

01.02.2011  11:45    <DIR>          .
01.02.2011  11:45    <DIR>          ..
12.03.2009  15:17           165.808 MSComctlLib.exd
31.08.2010  10:34            11.776
01.02.2011  11:19             7.168
               3 File(s)        184.752 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  51.699.859.456 bytes free

D:\Users\DamirV\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms>
So all you have to do is:
  1. Rename existing "MSComctlLib.exd" file to "MSComctlLib.exd_bak"
  2. Open Word 2010
  3. Open menu Add-Ins|Oracle BI Publisher|Log On
Last action will create new MSComctlLib.exd file in background:
D:\Users\DamirV\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms>dir
 Volume in drive D is Data
 Volume Serial Number is 505E-794F

 Directory of D:\Users\DamirV\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms

01.02.2011  11:45    <DIR>          .
01.02.2011  11:45    <DIR>          ..
01.02.2011  13:51           167.456 MSComctlLib.exd
12.03.2009  15:17           165.808 MSComctlLib.exd_old
31.08.2010  10:34            11.776
01.02.2011  11:19             7.168
               3 File(s)        184.752 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  51.699.859.456 bytes free

D:\Users\DamirV\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms>
Notice different file size and file date of "MSComctlLib.exd". This is now Office 2010 version of EXD file which was not able to be created because of previous version. And that is all.

The End

If you have upgraded several Office versions (i.e. 2000->2003->2007->2010), you might find ".EXD" files as well in following folders:
%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\Excel8.0
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\VBE
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\Word8.0
Like in previous example rename them and later (when you are sure that all works) you may delete.

Hope this helps!


Post festum part-IMPORTANT!!!

I have received many asks that people complaint about this issue was resolved and later after some Windows updates, all is back to same problem.
For them I have wrote this part what should help them.
  1. Again first step is to rename all .exd files.
  2. For 64-bit operating systems, type the following:
    Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX"
    For 32-bit operating systems, type the following:
    Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX"
  3. Restart your machine.


  1. What I like here is easiness and clearness of explanation.

  2. Very Good! This helped me!!! This issue was getting into my nerves for last two days!!!

    Thank you!!!!!!!

    Sandip Jadhav,

  3. Thank you So much this helped me

  4. thank you for helping me fix this issue

  5. Thank you so much, this solution helped me a lot. I had been having this issue for a while and it was fixed within a minute using your solution.

    Thanks again.

  6. gr8 solution..:) This help me a lot.

    Thanks a lot.


  7. thanks a lot...this is works for me

  8. Hi Damir,
    Thank you so much. I have been struggling this issue for long. And I was uploading the template to Oracle Application to preview it. This really helped. Thanks.

  9. Great solution!
    Thanks a lot,

  10. It is wonderful.. It is working very well. This problem was driving me crazy for long time. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Thanks, thanks, thanks a lot. Your solution is great!!! Again thanks

  12. You have been a huge help to me and the PeopleSoft community. Thank you !

  13. @PeopleSoft, @Anonymous
    Glad to help you guys/girls.

  14. Thank You, Guide is well appreciated.

  15. Thanks, I have been struggling for few days to find a fix to this issue. This solution works perfectly for me.

  16. Fantastic!!! Fixed my problem. I accepted a Windows Update this morning and then starting getting this MACRO error. Glad I found your solution, as I was curious as what to do.

  17. Thanks a lot. It was a big help.

  18. @all

    This is mine most commented topic.

    Glad it helps...

  19. This also works in Office 2003. Thank you so much!

  20. It works absolutely great thanks a lot.....

  21. One more thank's, Very usefull against madness.
    Work perfectly on office 2007

  22. Wow, many, many thanks!

  23. Sadly this is not working for me. I do not have a c:\user\\Application Data\... folder. I searched for .EXD files on my system and found none. Any other thoughts?

    1. As you see dozen of success .. and not working for you.
      Strange agree?

      Which Windows you have?
      What is the result of command:
      echo %USERPROFILE%


    2. Hi, thanks for tip. It worked for me.

  24. echo %USERPROFILE% yields:

    I am using Windows 7 Professionla SP 1
    Thanks in advance and sorry your solution is not working for me... yet :(

    1. Do you have "Hidden" files enabled in browser?
      Show me the whole directory structure under "C:\Users\alangley" directory.

    2. You can try the below steps:

      echo %AppData%

      In my case I have got the below path:

      Now in the above path you will find a folder by name Microsoft and inside it is the Forms folder

    3. Hi Damir,
      I am the Anonymous (Adam) that had the original issue. I appreciate your time and wanted to update you. I think my issue is slightly different from the others that were successful. They all seem to be using BI Publisher for Oracle, where I am using the Add-on for PeopleSoft. I think they are slightly different in how they operate even though they are Oracle products. I do not get .EXD files created at all when I use the one for PeopleSoft.
      I still have not found a solution, but will return to post if I do.
      Thx, Adam

    4. Adam
      THX for posting this info.
      If you find the solution ... and if you have time and will, share it with us.
      Because this page topic has about 40 hits a day...

    5. Damir,
      I have got it to work. I did have .exd files afterall and found them here: C:\userid\appdata\roaming\microsoft\forms
      My searches never found them for some reason. Must be something wrong with the file indexes. I hunted them down manually.
      I applied the the fix you recommend and it worked.
      Thanks again,

    6. Like Adam we have the PeopleSoft version of the AddIN. I can report that it works here too. Thank you so much

  25. Awesome, thanks a lot.

    1. You are not Anonymous from previous post with trouble?

  26. Thanks, deleting MSComctlLib.exd fixed it for me.

  27. Big Thanks for the Post. Simple and effective solution to helping us out.

  28. Thank YOU (also applied today on MS Word 2007 after some kind of Windows Update that came along).

  29. Thank you. Now why didn't I find this solution two days ago? Passing along to our trainer.

  30. More than a year later, still relevant! This was a great post!

  31. Thanks it worked for me.

  32. veryy veryyyyyyyyyyyy bigg thanks.....

    1. I didn't count but you are more then 20th who had been added to list here.
      Glad to help you.

  33. It really work, Thanks a lot


  34. Thanks a lot buddy.. I really needed to fix it..

  35. It worked well,


  36. Awesome. It works ! A thousand thanks, mille merci !

  37. I have two laptops, one with Windows XP SP3/Office 2007 and one with Windows 7/Office 2010. On the XP machine, I found the .exd file mentioned above. Removing it resolved the issue.

    On Windows 7/Office 2010, there are no .exd files in any of the following locations:

    C:\Users\XXXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft (don't even have a forms folder here)
    C:\Users\XXXXXXX\Application Data\Microsoft\forms (folder contains nothing)

    Also, there are no directories like %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings ... this was a clean install of W7/Office10 on a new laptop.

    1. In mine Win7 clean install there is "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings". Here is mine dir command, take in notice mine profile has junction point on c disk to d disk:
      19.04.2012. 06:02 <DIR> .
      19.04.2012. 06:02 <DIR> ..
      28.11.2011. 21:58 <DIR> .ireport
      28.11.2011. 21:58 <DIR> .netbeans
      16.02.2010. 01:56 <DIR> AppData
      24.01.2012. 19:34 <JUNCTION> Application Data [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Roaming]
      14.01.2012. 22:11 <DIR> config_
      15.02.2012. 00:04 <DIR> Contacts
      24.01.2012. 19:35 <JUNCTION> Cookies [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies]
      20.04.2012. 15:45 <DIR> Desktop
      26.04.2012. 19:16 <DIR> Documents
      22.11.2011. 21:06 <JUNCTION> Downloads [e:\Users\DamirV\Downloads]
      15.02.2012. 00:04 <DIR> Favorites
      14.01.2012. 22:11 <DIR> help
      15.02.2012. 00:04 <DIR> Links
      24.01.2012. 19:34 <JUNCTION> Local Settings [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Local]
      24.01.2012. 19:31 <JUNCTION> Music [E:\Users\DamirV\Music]
      24.01.2012. 19:36 <JUNCTION> My Documents [D:\Users\DamirV\Documents]
      27.04.2010. 22:39 <SYMLINKD> NetHood [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts]
      01.05.2012. 19:32 4.456.448 NTUSER.DAT
      30.09.2011. 21:25 <DIR> Oracle
      15.02.2012. 00:04 <DIR> Pictures
      27.04.2010. 22:38 <SYMLINKD> PrintHood [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts]
      08.04.2011. 19:04 <DIR> Recent
      26.07.2011. 14:16 <DIR> Roaming
      15.02.2012. 00:04 <DIR> Saved Games
      15.02.2012. 00:04 <DIR> Searches
      27.04.2010. 22:37 <SYMLINKD> SendTo [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo]
      27.04.2010. 22:37 <SYMLINKD> Start Menu [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu]
      27.04.2010. 22:36 <SYMLINKD> Templates [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates]
      19.04.2012. 16:44 <DIR> Tracing
      14.01.2012. 22:11 <DIR> uninstall
      15.02.2012. 00:04 <DIR> Videos
      19.04.2012. 05:58 825 volshext.log
      2 File(s) 4.457.273 bytes
      32 Dir(s) 43.660.820.480 bytes free


      As you see "<JUNCTION> Local Settings [D:\Users\DamirV\AppData\Local]"

  38. Thanks - you are my hero today!! I can finally get back to work!

    1. @All Anonymous
      Glad to help you.

      Share the knowledge.


    2. Many and sincere thanks, liek others here, I rely on the tempalte builder add on for work and was elated to find this solution worked for me! Pete

  39. This was great!

  40. Thanks Alot...!

    Earlier I used to uninstall both BI Publisher Desktop & Office 2007 and reinstall..

    Thanks again:)

    1. Shiva,

      this will not helps in many cases like this one.
      All people know the easiest way to fix Windows...

  41. Thanks! Love MS and security patches....

  42. This has been plaguing me for a month - thanks!!!

  43. Thank you. I was still on Word 2007, but encountered this problem. Your solution did the trick.

  44. Thanks, we are going live and I had to change the template, but this error won't let me. This did work.

  45. Worked. Thank you.

    Word 2010.
    OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
    Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

    Arlington, Texas USA

  46. Thank you for sharing the solution and explaining it so clearly!! You've so many people on this one, I am sure you wouldn't mind another "Thank you"!! :)

  47. worked like a charm w/easy to follow instructions...THX

  48. @all

    >Glad to help you.

    Keep knowledge sharing around the world ...

  49. Brilliant! A lot of headaches gone away.
    A big thnum up!

    Thank you,

  50. Precise and very useful information! thanks a lot

  51. And again: thank you! Word was driving me nuts after some recent (delayed) windows updates for the OS (vista and 7) as well as Office 2007. I'd get 3 consecutive macro error messages but had no idea which "THE macro" the error message was referring to, since I have several installed for my translation work. The "object library invalid or contains references etc." upon closing word also has disappeared.

  52. Dear Damir,
    this is exactly what Ive been looking for:)

    Thanks a lot,

  53. You deserve a post. This solved my issue, thanks!

  54. Thanks a lot. It solved my problem.

  55. It took me several tries but this finally worked! I run XP and had Office 2007 but nothing I did worked. Today I decided to manually look for the .exd file (even though using the search feature found 2 - renaming them did nothing). I found one here: C:/Documents and Settings/USERID/Application Data/Microsoft/Forms

    I renamed the .exd file that was there to .exd_old.

    Then I ended up upgrading to Office 2010 (pretty much everyone else is one 2010 where I work) - when I reinstalled BI Publisher it worked!!

    Thank you so much!

  56. Hey,
    Thanks a lot.This is exactly what I was looking for.

  57. Hey,
    Thanks a lot.. It really helped.

  58. Thank you so much!

  59. best and most tidy solution ever. thanks

  60. Fantastic! You are a life saver.

  61. Awesome! Just what I needed.

  62. Awesome!!....tried all the options..and about to give it up...Then gave it a last try. And your blog worked exactly right....Thank you so much.

  63. Hi Damir,
    This is Arun Babu R, I had Windows 7 ultimate. I am facing the issue while working with BI Publisher. Tried your steps but did not get a good start. Can you help me.

  64. Hi Damir ,

    Please help

    I had this problem but I fixed it by :-

    Adminiistrator user
    Renamed all the xcd files in the C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms to xcd.old
    Regem User :-
    Renamed all the xcd files in the C:\Documents and Settings\regem\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms
    To xcd old files

    Default User :-
    Renamed C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms
    To xcd files.

    But the problem has started again.

    I've tried everything
    1) C:\Documents and Settings\regem>echo %USERPROFILE%
    C:\Documents and Settings\regem - Searched this directory no exd files
    2) Searched the entire c:\drive. No exd file.

    Kindly help.

    1. I think you have windows installation problem.

      re install windows and on clean instillation install office and BI. Ten all should work as you see from previous postings and thanks.

      it is impossible to help you in this way sorry

    2. Mahdev - I too have tried deleting the .exd files but that does not solve my problem. I had this problem several months ago, and this solution worked, but this time it is not working... I've searched my entire HD and no more .exd files exists... I've been using BIP for 4 years now, but b/c of this stinking Windows update i'm dead in the water right now.

      I wonder if there is some registry setting somewhere that also must be update.

  65. I noticed this happened to me now as well as last year. This time it started up right after I did Windows 7 updates and Office 2007 updates, could this have something to do with it?

    1. This is exactly why I do not like to use Win updates ...
      Sorry seems that MS is resetting things with update.
      Have you tried to re install OBI desktop again after update?

    2. Yes I did, with no success. My next thing to do is probably remove the Updates and see if it works again.

    3. I did upgrade from BI Publisher Desktop to, now I can load my data and preview the data. I guess this could be a workaround.

  66. Thanks Damir... After wasting one whole day, landed up on this page... and this fixed like a charm...

    Thanks again.

  67. Hi Damir,

    I am using MS OFFICE 2007 and after renaming the exd file, when I am going to ADD INNS >> Oracle BI PUBLISHER >> LOg ON, I am getting the same error "Macros could not be found or disabled".

    Please help

    1. Hi Everyone,

      I uninstalled the MS OFFICE and re-installed. Now, it's working fine.

      Thanks for Help!

  68. Hi All,

    I’m running Office 2007 on XP and I too ran into many of the errors that I have seen discussed here. The final solution for me was to unregister MSCOMCTL.OCX (regsvr32 /u mscomctl.ocx) and then reinstall BI Publisher. I’m thinking the reinstall must re-register the ocx I’m not sure.

    1. It's works.

    2. Thank you so much
      It works:)

    3. This worked for me! Thanks for the instructions, it's a life saver!

    4. It worked on Win XP/Office 2007!! Thanx a lot!

  69. delete any file\s found in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP
    I did that and the error stopped on Word 2010 on a Windows 7.

  70. @all with additional problems
    1) Reinstall Office 2010 and OBI Desktop setup
    2) download Fix tools ""
    3) Reinstall Office 2010 and OBI Desktop

  71. Thank you so much. I wish I could have found your post two days ago. Very frustrating... this has been driving me nuts!!

  72. Hi Damir,

    I have microsoft office 2007. I renamed all the .exd files but even then i am getting the same error.
    Please suggest.

  73. Most likely these errors are all coming from some add-in that Word is trying to load at startup. This might happen if the add-in was meant to work with earlier versions of Word but hasn't been updated for 2007. The module name "Autostart" doesn't identify which add-in it is, so you need to investigate.

    In Word, click Office button > Word Options > Add-Ins. Look at the list of "Active Application Add-ins", and specifically at the ones whose entry in the Type column is Template. Click each one in turn and write down the location shown near the bottom of the dialog. These are the candidates for the cause of the problem.

    In most cases, you'll find that the listed templates are in the folder
    Because the AppData folder is hidden, you'll find it easier to go there by pasting the following line into the address bar of "My Computer' and pressing Enter:

    Move all of the templates from that folder to a temporary folder in another location. Restart Word to verify that the errors don't appear. If that works, start moving the templates back into the STARTUP folder one at a time and restarting Word after each one. The last one you moved when the errors start popping up is the one that causes the problem.

    [There can be gotchas in this procedure, especially if the template is stored in some program's folder and not in STARTUP. Sometimes the program's installer can notice that the template isn't where it should be, and will reinstall it.]

    Once you know where the problem is, you may find you can still use whatever program it came from, but without integration into Word. Or you may check the program's web site to see whether there's an update to make it work with Word, or look for a different program that does similar functions.

    PS: Because the problem is in an add-in, which won't be affected by uninstalling or reinstalling Office, the reinstall would just be a waste of time. That's true of a lot of problems in Office.

    Nopalea Lower Abdominal Pain Red Spots On Skin

  74. I do not know why, but very interesting post come to my mail but now shown on this WEB page. SO, I'll stry to show it manually

    1. current version plugin has left a new comment :

      Most likely these errors are all coming from some add-in that Word is trying to load at startup. This might happen if the add-in was meant to work with earlier versions of Word but hasn't been updated for 2007. The module name "Autostart" doesn't identify which add-in it is, so you need to investigate.

      In Word, click Office button > Word Options > Add-Ins. Look at the list of "Active Application Add-ins", and specifically at the ones whose entry in the Type column is Template. Click each one in turn and write down the location shown near the bottom of the dialog. These are the candidates for the cause of the problem.

      In most cases, you'll find that the listed templates are in the folder
      Because the AppData folder is hidden, you'll find it easier to go there by pasting the following line into the address bar of "My Computer' and pressing Enter:

      Move all of the templates from that folder to a temporary folder in another location. Restart Word to verify that the errors don't appear. If that works, start moving the templates back into the STARTUP folder one at a time and restarting Word after each one. The last one you moved when the errors start popping up is the one that causes the problem.

      [There can be gotchas in this procedure, especially if the template is stored in some program's folder and not in STARTUP. Sometimes the program's installer can notice that the template isn't where it should be, and will reinstall it.]

      Once you know where the problem is, you may find you can still use whatever program it came from, but without integration into Word. Or you may check the program's web site to see whether there's an update to make it work with Word, or look for a different program that does similar functions.

      PS: Because the problem is in an add-in, which won't be affected by uninstalling or reinstalling Office, the reinstall would just be a waste of time. That's true of a lot of problems in Office.

      Nopalea Lower Abdominal Pain Red Spots On Skin

  75. Hello,

    Some weird Windows Updates are making some irreversible changes to that process.
    I mean, just like "Anonymous September 5, 2012 6:19 AM" even if you do the steps described in the post you'll still get
    those macro error. The solution I found is to reinstall both Office 2007 and BI Publisher Desktop (here I'm using Build 130 and Windows 7 x64)

    1. Frankly Windows update is the most power evil in any kind of regular update ... and here is another proof.

  76. Replies
    1. Nema frke ... pozdravi dečke iz Biloga (Borisa pogotovo)

  77. Hi Damir,
    Iam getting below error
    "the macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your macro security settings "
    when iam trying to load xml file in word document.I got this error few months back and resolved with your solution.Again there is security update yesterday in our company.After that again its not working.Please tell us the solution.


  78. Hey Damir,
    I got the macro security error and just renaming the .exd fils didn't work.
    The people in the Oracle BI forum had me rename the .exd files and then
    Do the following

    Run command prompt as Admin

    For 64-bit operating systems, type the following:
    Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX"

    For 32-bit operating systems, type the following:
    Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX"

    Restart your machine.

    It worked like a charm!
    Just thought I would let everyone know!
    Good Luck!


    1. Will place in original post for others ... THX a lot!

  79. After installing BI Publisher on a new W7 64 bit PC and transferring all my previous docs, even deleting the .EXD did not allow me to see the properties of previously created BI Publisher templates.

    Running the registry services Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX" solved the problem.

    Good work finding the complete solution.

    1. Mike, i have installed fresh win7 x64, and now trying to install BI Pub Desktop 10341, it its failing at the very end when it tries to run Template Builder. any help ???

      Thnx ,, Suhail

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    1. Peyton

      THX for your post but frankly I do not understand a bit.
      Sorry but mine English is poor so if you have time and will to make a wider explanation.
      Damir Vadas

  81. It's magic ! Thanks a lot Gurus ! I don't understand anything but I do what you write and all is OK !

  82. Thanks, all the best to you! I've solved my problem in no time.

  83. I have looked everywhere for a solution to this! I finally found the MSComctlLib.exd file in the same place Adam did above.

    This is the ONLY place I have found this solution so I have to tip my hat to you!

    1. After three reading of your post I do not follow your post here.
      The courious one is "tip my hat to you""

  84. I actually needed to repair my Word after I did the fixes above. Then it worked beautifully. For those having issues like I had, I did the above and it still didn't work. Then I went to my control panel, Programs, Uninstall a program, clicked on Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 and then clicked on Change. It took a little while for it to work. Thank you

  85. Perfect !! This helped tremendously!!

    Thanks so mcuh. Fixed my problem I was noddling iwth for 3 days.
    No .exd file was gettting created.

    I had to first run the command prompt as Administrator.
    Start->Accessories->Command Prompt right click, ‘Run as Administrator’.

    Then this command took care of it.

    Installed BI Publisher on Windows 7 with MS OFfice 2007.


    Victor Coppola

    1. This command took care of it:
      Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX"

    2. As I told.

      Some times one way and sometimes another-depend on Windwos 7 update ...

  86. Thank you very much. It works!

  87. Alle the sudden I was having the same problems on a WinXP installation with Office 2007.
    Fixed it yesterday by renaming the files and using the Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX" command, but today the problem occured again.
    The EXD file was not recreated again so nothing to do there, but after using the regsrv command it worked again.
    Afraid to reboot now, so will check monday if the problem got back ;-)

    1. Some Windows update may reset this settings ... so fix is to re register ocx ...

  88. Thanks very useful information, I had the same issue after an update of windows 7 and running this command Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX" solved the problem.


  89. worked like a magic..Thank You..

  90. hi Damir, need you kind help. i am trying to install BI Pub Desktop on windows7 x64, with Office 2010. installation starts smoothly (under compatibility mode xp sp3), but when it reaches to Template Builder installation, setup fails.
    any help that can solve my issue ??


    1. You have some other problems. Office 2010 should be installed normally under Win 7 x64 (any version x86 or x64).
      Once again your windows is in bad shape and nothing but fresh reinstall should help indeed.

  91. Hey! Have you ever noticed, has your writting technique gone any better so far?

  92. HI Damir ,
    One quick info to let you know . I face the similar issue in win7 , office 2007 with BIP .
    I would like you to know that all steps are good .But we need to run the CMD prompt as an Administrator mode to make sure that OCX file registration succeed .
    Anyway you can amend your thread if you want to add this extra piece of information .
    Appreciate your thread . It was helpful .

    1. Right, this is under Admin privileges.
      Before Windows 7 you could do this to ordinary user:

      Via regedit you need to give the build account rights on "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
      Right-click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and choose Permissions...Full Control.

      But this is high risk for this client.

  93. Hi Damir,

    I am still stuck with this issue. I faced this issue couple of months ago and did the exact same steps as you have described above. Now also i am doing the same things but its just not working.

    I am using Windows 7 /word 2007. I have intentionally not upgraded to word 2010 to avoid any compatibility issues.
    Can you please suggest how to resolve this..

    I have tried deleting all *.exd files, restarted the machine several times, re-installed bi publisher desktop several times but nothing is working...

    If you could suggest something would be of great help!!

    1. You probably haven't notice that I added "Post festum part-IMPORTANT!!!" part on this blog for ones that are getting OBI - Office problem again.

      This should fix your case

    2. Thanks for getting back Damir. I actually noticed that and tried that. As i already mentioned i did resolve the same issue couple of months ago by following the exact same steps in your blog.

      Anyway, i was able to find a solution and that is before running that regsvr command we need to delete a registry.

      Here are the steps:

      Locate and then click the following subkey in the registry:


      2.On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click Yes.
      3.Exit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.

      After doing this then I did the regsvr command to register the DLL and it worked fine!!

      Thanks for your time on this Damir!!

  94. Hi all,

    I tried both what You and Aakarsh said. I edited registry and ran regsvr command and restarted my laptop. When I open MS Word 2010 and --> Add-Ins --> Oracle BI Publisher --> Log On, the following error message is appearing "The macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your Macro security settings."

    Can anyone please help me with this issue.

    Thanks in advance



  95. Hi Damir,

    I am unable to load xml data into BI pulisher Template. I've installed MSoffice 2010 and BIpubisher. It is throwing

    Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications

    System Error &H8000FFFF (-2147418113). Catastrophic failure.

    Do you what is the reason. I've tried by re-installing both Office 2010 & BI publisher.


  96. Hi,
    Before finding this fix(which is great) I deleted the Oracle BI Publisher menu from the menu commands under the Add-ins tab. Is there anyway of getting this back? A re-install of BI Publisher didn't work
    I didn't delete the Bi Publisher options under the custom toolbar though and these now work due to the fix documented above.
    I'm on WORD 2007.

  97. hi,

    above solution is not working for Win7 still getting the same error please help.

    1. Have you tried all by order and AT THE END written in "Post festum part-IMPORTANT!!!"

  98. Hi

    A tech analyst here at an Australian University used your information to solve a problem.

    Thanks very much for this blog.


  99. Damir Vadas,

    This one is really working!! Thanks for your valuable time..

    Arjun G

    1. I know ... and 100 users that signed here as well

  100. Sir, thank you thank you thank you.

    I've wasted days on this issue.
    10mins after coming across your solution, it's fixed.

    Damn you Mr Microsoft!

    Gratitude again.


  101. after the intalacion, open word but not the complement

    1. Please look all by order and AT THE END written in "Post festum part-IMPORTANT!!!"
      It must works!

  102. Hey Damir,

    I badly need help from you, recently I upgraded my laptop operating system to windows7 and am trying to install BI publisher version, Its keep on giving error "Compile error in hidden module:Module file dialog". I am using word 2010. Can you kindly help me. my perosnnel mail id is

  103. at the end it is showing "Could not load all objects because of some objects are not available in the machine"..Template Builder installation error.

    I am looking forward your help.


  104. Thanks a lot...
    The solution detailed in the article worked like a charm.
    Best Regards,

  105. Hi,
    We just upgraded from XP to Win 7. For users who have Admin privileges there are no issues, preview works properly. For users without Admin privileges, they can load data file but on preview it gives error, sometimes java option not set Or Access Denied.

    I noticed that on preview it writes to

    On non admin users PC, they cannot view this above folder. Do we need admin rights on PC to get this to work.

    Bi Pub


    1. Any user that can read/write to directory (in your case)
      will be able.

      So just make read write under all directories
      to everyone and you are saved ...

    2. Thanks for the reply. We have given all the read write to user under BiPublisher folder and sub folders. Now they are able to validate template but gives same error on Preview. thanks.

    3. frankly most of the problems are gone when you run all as Administrator (or user is in Administrators group)

  106. Hi,

    I have an issue.
    I am using Windows 7 with word 2010 and Java 1.6.0_38. Installed XML Desktop in D drive.
    I am able to load data, but when I am trying to preview in PDF, or trying to export xsl, getting error msg as "Windows can not find "D:\Oracle\XMLPublisherDesktop\Template" Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again".

    I don't have any .xsd file in C:\Users\rahul\AppData\Local\Microsoft\FORMS, also in Add ins, I don't have any menu as log on.

    Please help.


    1. fr missing directories make directory links with
      mklink /J /D taget source

  107. Hello friends, the same problem I have got with my word, I couldnt find the way solving it, pls help mee, plsss

    1. what is your problem .... pictures, errors ... not this way as you said

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  109. thank you very much this helped mee.

  110. Thanks a lot Damir.. !!! A Great Article..!!!

  111. It's remarkable designed for me to have a site, which is valuable designed for my knowledge.
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  112. Hi,

    I installed BI Publisher desktop(32 bit) on my system. installation completed successfully. but in word Bi publisher tab not visible.
    in word options : BI Publisher Template builder for Word showing as Inactive application addin.

    OS : Windows7, Msoffice 2007

    Please advice me.


  113. hello there,

    i've done what you posted, but mine still not working. I've rename all the .exd, reinstall the BI publisher, and run the registry command. please help me.....

    my system is win 7 pro 64bit and office 2010 64bit.

  114. Sorry no add in visible. its a louzy product.

  115. It worked for me too! Thanks a lot

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. I have installed the BI Publisher 'BIPublisherDesktop12.00.exe' on my laptop succesfully.

    But when i open the word file and go to any options under ADD-INS , its giving below error.

    'Could not load object because it is not available on the machine' if i click ok then it says 'Macro can not be found or it has been disabled due to your macro security settings'

    I tried by renaming '*.EXD' Files and reopening word again but it is still giving same error.

    1. posted here as well for help

  118. Dear Sir,
    I am using MS Office 2016 64 bit. I have followed all the steps and still i am getting the same pop up saying "Macros disabled."

    Please help me. Even i have tried to uninstall and install the BI Publisher

    1. Hi Pradeep

      Have you been able to resolve this. None of the previous solutions works for Word 2016 on Win10


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