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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
How to see index usage (retrieve SQL)

After finding index candidates for any kind of action, before any action, best approach should be to make a proper drill down on any information connected with problematic index usage. The best starting point for that is SQLs that it are using this index.
Main idea is to be able to predict all consequences that our DBA drop task will produce on other database performance. Predicting and understanding is extremely important for any DBA task generally.
In mentioned topic, one of presented outputs was index usage output. This output shows indexes as well as number of execution in past period. From this huge output I'll focus on smaller example that I find interesting to be analyzed.:
Table name Index name Index type Size MB Index operation Executions ------------------------------ ------------------------- ---------- ----------- --------------------- -------- NC_TRANSACTION_ULAZ_TT TRUT_I NORMAL 774.00 RANGE SCAN 1 FULL SCAN 1 TRUT_GRUPA_PROIZVODA_I NORMAL 888.00 FULL SCAN 1 TRUT_MATRICULE_I NORMAL 848.00 - 0 TRUT_RESEAU_GARE_I NORMAL 784.00 FULL SCAN 1 TRUT_RTRIM_I NORMAL 888.00 FULL SCAN 6 ****************************** ************************* ********** ----------- ---------- sum 4,956.00 10This part takes mine interest because of big index size (cca 5GB) and information that all indexes are used in FULL SCAN operation, the worst possible for index. So first one that took mine interest was one with most of executions TRUT_RTRIM_I.
The solution
First I did check index quality in a described way :SQL> @index_q TRUT_RTRIM_I Data represented for INDEX like "TRUT_RTRIM_I" Table Table Index Data Blks Leaf Blks Clust Index Table Rows Blocks Index Size MB per Key per Key Factor Quality ---------------------- ----------- ------- -------------- --------- --------- --------- ------------ ------- NC_TRANSACTION_ULAZ_TT 840,179 27437 TRUT_RTRIM_I 888.00 5 1 839,704 1-Poor SQL>
Get SQL (that use that index)
As espected, quality was poor, but still it was not clear why index was used at all? For that I need to check parent SQLs that CBO with this index was perfomed. To identify that I use next script:SELECT p.dbid, p.sql_id, P.OBJECT_OWNER A_INDEX_OWNER, p.object_name A_INDEX_NAME, p.options A_INDEX_OPERATION, COUNT(*) NR_EXEC FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p WHERE p.object_name = '&&1' GROUP BY P.dbid, P.sql_id, P.OBJECT_OWNER, p.object_name, p.options ;Real result for TRUT_RTRIM_I index was:
DBID SQL_ID A_INDEX_OWNER A_INDEX_NAME A_INDEX_OPERATION NR_EXEC ---------- ------------- -------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------- 1234567890 1xku33j735usd TAB TRUT_RTRIM_I FULL SCAN 1 1234567890 4xc72tpm96zgm TAB TRUT_RTRIM_I FULL SCAN 1 1234567890 bncypfk1h0xd1 TAB TRUT_RTRIM_I FULL SCAN 1 1234567890 ftr0zpfdn9kfr TAB TRUT_RTRIM_I FULL SCAN 1 1234567890 b390nk5ca9brm TAB TRUT_RTRIM_I FULL SCAN 1 1234567890 9k183pk5rn2h9 TAB TRUT_RTRIM_I FULL SCAN 1 6 rows selected.Here dbid is as insurance that some of result may not come from previous database incarnation, what might suggest to some unusual upgrades or recovers what really might change CBO plans.
In a case like presented (there is no grouped results-no reusable cursor!) you have two options to find parent SQL:
- Find SQL for each execution (for each sql_id)
- Find SQL in a better way.
SELECT DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (ltrim(rtrim(t.sql_text)), 100, 1) sql, count(*) NR_EXEC FROM dba_hist_sqltext t WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p WHERE p.object_name = '&&1' AND t.dbid=p.dbid AND t.sql_id=p.sql_id ) GROUP BY DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (ltrim(rtrim(t.sql_text)), 100, 1);When you pass TRUT_RTRIM_I index as parameter, the result was:
SQL NR_EXEC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- SELECT /*+ index (u1 TRUT_RTRIM_I)*/ 1 ID_RESEAU, select /*+ no_parallel_index(t,"TRUT_RTRIM_I") dbms_stats cursor_sharing_exact use_weak_name_resl dy 1 SELECT /*+ index (u1 TRUT_RTRIM_I)*/ ID_RESEAU , ID_GARE , VOIE , DATE_TRANSACTION , DATUM_ULAZA , R 2 SELECT /*+ index (u1 TRUT_RTRIM_I)*/ ID_RESEAU , ID_GARE , VOIE , DATE_TRANSACTION , RTRIM_CONTENU_I 2It is more then obvious that SQL that interest me must start with SELECT /*+ index (u1 TRUT_RTRIM_I)*/ ID_RESEAU part. So let me find those sql_id's:
SELECT sql_id FROM dba_hist_sqltext t WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p WHERE p.object_name = '&&1' AND t.dbid=p.dbid AND t.sql_id=p.sql_id ) AND INSTR (DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (ltrim(rtrim(t.sql_text)), 100, 1),'SELECT /*+ index (u1 TRUT_RTRIM_I)*/')>0Result was:
SQL_ID ------------- ftr0zpfdn9kfr 9k183pk5rn2h9 4xc72tpm96zgm bncypfk1h0xd1Ok let me take "4xc72tpm96zgm" and see the query:
select t.sql_text from dba_hist_sqltext t where sql_id ='4xc72tpm96zgm';Result for that sql_id was:
SQL_TEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT /*+ index (u1 TRUT_RTRIM_I)*/ ID_RESEAU , ID_GARE , VOIE , DATE_TRANSACTI ON , RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO FROM NC_TRANSACTION_ULAZ_TT U1 WHERE U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO IS NOT NULL AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '0' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '00000' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '0000000000' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '000000000 000' AND LENGTH(RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO) <= 5 AND IZLAZ_DATE_TRANSACTION IS NULLRegardless this index has many illogical parts (maybe that came from some smart generator like Oracle designer!!):
- Why to use U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '0000000000' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '000000000000' when at the end was LENGTH (RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO) <= 5
Analyze/Tune SQL
Let us see CBO plan for that (not from AWR but directly from sqlplus):explain plan for SELECT /*+ index (u1 TRUT_RTRIM_I)*/ ID_RESEAU, ID_GARE, VOIE, DATE_TRANSACTION, RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO FROM NC_TRANSACTION_ULAZ_TT U1 WHERE U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO IS NOT NULL AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '0' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '00000' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '0000000000' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '000000000000' AND LENGTH (RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO) <= 5 AND IZLAZ_DATE_TRANSACTION IS NULL; Explained. SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 3823061142 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1309 | 44506 | 44860 (1)| 00:08:59 | |* 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| NC_TRANSACTION_ULAZ_TT | 1309 | 44506 | 44860 (1)| 00:08:59 | |* 2 | INDEX FULL SCAN | TRUT_RTRIM_I | 42008 | | 2849 (1)| 00:00:35 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 1 - filter("IZLAZ_DATE_TRANSACTION" IS NULL) 2 - filter(LENGTH("RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO")<=5 AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO"<>'0' AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO"<>'00000' AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO"<>'0000000000' AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO"<>'000000000000' AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO" IS NOT NULL) 17 rows selected.When index hint was used, cost was 44506. I tried to execute query and found out that time was 27 seconds (average in 3 measurements). Here is prove with Toad picture:
Because index has poor quality, when Oracle use it, it was making terrible mistake, sequentially run through index blocks was a pointer to get table blocks (data). If index is same size as table this is totally unacceptable. So mine first logical reaction was to remove hint. Let us see the explain plan for that:
explain plan for SELECT ID_RESEAU, ID_GARE, VOIE, DATE_TRANSACTION, RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO FROM NC_TRANSACTION_ULAZ_TT U1 WHERE U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO IS NOT NULL AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '0' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '00000' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '0000000000' AND U1.RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO != '000000000000' AND LENGTH (RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO) <= 5 AND IZLAZ_DATE_TRANSACTION IS NULL; SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 967985896 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1309 | 44506 | 6134 (3)| 00:01:14 | |* 1 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| NC_TRANSACTION_ULAZ_TT | 1309 | 44506 | 6134 (3)| 00:01:14 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 1 - filter("IZLAZ_DATE_TRANSACTION" IS NULL AND LENGTH("RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO")<=5 AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO"<>'0' AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO"<>'00000' AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO"<>'0000000000' AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO"<>'000000000000' AND "U1"."RTRIM_CONTENU_ISO" IS NOT NULL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 rows selected.Now cost was 6134. I tried to execute query and time was 0.063 seconds. This was 428,57 times faster then original! Here is prove again with Toad picture:
The end
So after removing hint part from problematic SQL (grep dba_source or forms/reports binaries) there was no need to have that index so it was dropped. Similar first one was with all other indexes, what frees up 5 GB in underlying datafiles, reduce datafiles fragmentation and speed up all future DML operations on this table. The whole index_usage_sql.sql script (that I've used in this post) is here:/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CR/TR# : Purpose : Shows index usage against involved sql Date : 28.03.2009. Author : Damir Vadas, Remarks : run as privileged user Must have AWR run because sql joins data from there works on 10g > first parameter is "index name" Changes (DD.MM.YYYY, Name, CR/TR#): --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ set linesize 120 set timi off col OWNER for a10 SELECT p.dbid, p.sql_id, P.OBJECT_OWNER OWNER, p.object_name A_INDEX_NAME, p.options INDEX_OPERATION, COUNT(*) NR_EXEC FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p WHERE p.object_name = '&&1' GROUP BY P.dbid, P.sql_id, P.OBJECT_OWNER, p.object_name, p.options ; col sql for a101 col nr_exec for 999G990 SELECT DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (ltrim(rtrim(t.sql_text)), 100, 1) sql, count(*) NR_EXEC FROM dba_hist_sqltext t WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p WHERE p.object_name = '&&1' AND t.dbid=p.dbid AND t.sql_id=p.sql_id ) GROUP BY DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (ltrim(rtrim(t.sql_text)), 100, 1) ; PROMPT Showed SQLs for &&1 index in period: SET HEAD OFF; select to_char (min(BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME), 'DD.MM.YYYY') || '-' || to_char (max(END_INTERVAL_TIME), 'DD.MM.YYYY') from dba_hist_snapshot; SET HEAD ON; PROMPT index_usage.sq for overall usage, index_stat.sql or index_frag.sql shows statistic for bad index (validating indexes) PROMPT Run this script to get sql_id: PROMPT SELECT sql_id PROMPT FROM dba_hist_sqltext t PROMPT WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 PROMPT FROM dba_hist_sql_plan p PROMPT WHERE p.object_name = '1' PROMPT AND t.dbid=p.dbid PROMPT AND t.sql_id=p.sql_id PROMPT ) PROMPT AND INSTR (DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (ltrim(rtrim(t.sql_text)), 100, 1),'2')>0 PROMPT Change "1" with index name and "2" start of sql set timi on
Hope this will help someone in this kinds of tasks.
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